Levain Toast with Le Gruyère AOP and Blackberry Jam

Levain Toast with Le Gruyère AOP and Blackberry Jam

Serves 4
Time: approx. 10 minutes


  • 4 slices levain bread
  • 4 tbsp butter
  • 20 g Le Gruyère AOP Mild
  • 6 tbsp blackberry jam (preferably artisanal)
  • freshly ground black pepper


  1. Slice a loaf of levain, preferably homemade or from a local bakery. Heat butter in a skillet and pan-fry bread slices until golden.
  2. Cut large slices of Le Gruyère AOP och place on each bread slice.
  3. Top with 1-2 tablespoons blackberry jam.
  4. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper, preferably coarsely ground.

A simple yet oh so delicious brunch sandwich with basically no preparation needed. When using a few ingredients, it’s important to use high quality products. If you like to spice it up a bit, use timut pepper or batak pepper instead.


Niki & The Dove – Empires

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Enjoy your mornings,

Petter Bäcklund

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