Gilles Draps

Gilles Draps

Gilles Draps

If people ask me what’s your job, I just tell them: “getting people hungry”. I’m a hybrid between a story teller, a photographer and a cook. But people like to call me “chef” these days.

Nature and the outdoors inspire me and I think you will get that when you taste my food. I use seasonal, honest and fresh produce and don’t fiddle too much with them, I look for great taste and simplicity with a touch of fire.

If it’s not in season I probably will have a pickled or fermented variation of the produce in my cupboard. I try to push people into the art of fermentation and food preservation. These days we are consuming food without thinking about the consequences and the impact we can have through food consumption. I think preservation and fermentation is a great way to change that. It’s what kept us alive centuries ago, so why change it.

I never had tought doing what I do know, but if I think about it, I cooked my first meal at four, I loved playing with fire and you couldn’t keep me out of the trees. 

Never deprive your kids the things they love if it involves nature. It’s the only way they can teach it to the next generation.

Enjoy your mornings,

Gilles Draps

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