Sabine Koning

Sabine Koning

– Sabine Koning

The trickiest question to answer is the one about what I do in life. I invariably answer with: “I am a culinary jack-of-all-trades“, but… that term covers rather a broad spectrum.

It was more than 10 years ago when I started – my spot on the World Wide Web where I could share the food I ate each day when I was a student. I expanded it later to include real recipes accompanied by photos that I took with my cheap camera. After 10 years, what started as a simple hobby took off completely and since then has been a household name in food blogging in The Netherlands. In recent years, I have written cookbooks, a culinary journal, I have created baking mixes, worked as a food photographer on the production of various cookbooks and had the privilege of working for a wide range of fabulous brands.

In addition to being the owner of Ohmyfoodness, I am the mother of two young boys and am studying psychology at the Open University. So I’m quite a busy bee who never stops buzzing. And I love it.

Enjoy your mornings,

Sabine Koning

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